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Anti-oxidants to destroy the necro-molecular corona of graphene oxide

New WorldAnti-oxidants to destroy the necro-molecular corona of graphene oxide

New World - March 11, 2024

All those who are not inclined to confront the truth of vaccine genocide, with the scent of graphene oxide - because their viscera is too permeable - can always consider that this file presents a spectrum of antioxidants which, for most have been validated against the table of symptoms called Covidiens.


Today, the mission of every self-respecting human being is to daily heal Nature within him, which is perpetually assailed by the genocidal vectors of Transhumanist Techno-Culture. The question now is whether anyone who refuses to confront the truth of vaccine genocide is, authentically, capable of “healing themselves.”

All those who are inclined to wake up can, easily, begin to understand that the Pharmacratic Mafia did not wait to enhance the anti-CoqueVide/19 injections, with graphene oxide, to contaminate the “vaccines”, for many years, with a multitude of necro-nano-particles — and other adjuvants.

Today, the vector of the Enemy is graphenization through the Necro-Molecular Crown Syndrome — in this case, the Graphene Oxide Spike.

Today, graphenizing vaccination represents, very clearly, the dividing line between, on the one hand, those who opt for collective suicide and, on the other hand, those who want to survive, and live in Peace, in Beauty who is coming.

In this section:

Glutamic Acid
Vitamin D and Endocannabinoid System Fortification
Vitamin C
Nicotine and Tobacco
Highly antioxidant medicinal plants
Activated Charcoal
Professor Teruo Higa’s Effective Micro-Organisms
Chlorine Dioxide
Shikimic Acid
Anti-Graphene Protocols
Other Antioxidant and Reducing Substances of Graphene Oxide

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