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After Putin interview, Tucker Carlson is on a 'to be eliminated' list

France SoirAfter Putin interview, Tucker Carlson is on a 'to be eliminated' list

France Evening - Feb 09, 2024

After Putin's interview, Tucker Carlson is placed on a "to be assassinated" list by a Ukrainian site.


This weekend, American journalist Tucker Carlson arrived in Moscow to interview President Vladimir Putin. An important interview awaited by many citizens, both American and of other nationalities.

On social networks, speculation about the content of the interview is rife. This having been the subject of fake news, immediately raised by France-Soir after confirmation with Tucker Carlson's team in Moscow.

This Monday, February 6, Tucker Carlson published a video on his X account explaining the reasons for this interview with the head of the Kremlin, recalling above all the journalist's duty and the public's right to know. Carlson has of course attacked the mainstream media which no longer does information work for the public, but propaganda. Tucker Carlson also confirmed that Elon Musk had agreed to publish this interview on the social network X in order to guarantee as many people as possible access to this content which will probably be censored by the mainstream media. A tweet seen by 47 million Internet users...

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