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A teacher in France: For the new year, what if we did class in the forest?

New WorldA teacher in France: For the new year, what if we did class in the forest?

New World - Jan 07, 2024

Children run in a forest, climb a tree then measure it, observe its bark and leaves, draw it and compose a poem describing it.


They strengthened their self-confidence, managed reasonable risk-taking, breathed fresh air, engaged their senses, toned their bodies while studying natural sciences, mathematics and French. They are educated in one of the rare Forest Schools that can be found in France, those which have succeeded, thanks to the perseverance and energy of their founders, in overcoming all the obstacles that the administration and society have put on their path.

Appearing at the beginning of the 20th century, the Forest School enjoyed notable success in the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian worlds. There are many in the United States, Germany, Holland and Sweden. In Denmark, almost XNUMX% of nursery classes spend their day in the forest, meals and naps included, whatever the weather. And the children do very well, when our overheated classrooms make them suffer from colds and we prohibit them from going out for recess when it rains... England today has several hundred public Forest Schools in the primary.

Disconnecting children from screens and reconnecting them with nature is becoming a public health issue as much as a societal emergency. Switzerland is following the same movement and local authorities are supporting the creation of schools, whether private or public.

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