Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is

A Pink Kéké faces a Big Black Bear alone

Xavier-Louis de IzarraA Pink Kéké faces a Big Black Bear alone

Xavier-Louis de Izarra - March 14, 2024

This video is the faithful description of my last dream, particularly terrifying!


Xavier-Louis de Izarra shares with us his hallucinatory dream in a country governed by a perverse president dressed in pink with irresponsible behavior, engaged in a risky confrontation with a nuclear superpower, ignoring the catastrophic consequences for his own people.

The nightmare is then revealed in all its horror when Xavier-Louis plunges us into the heart of the population, an apathetic mass anesthetized by a toxic product that had to be injected into them a few months earlier. In this dystopian vision, citizens seem frozen in mortal inertia, indifferent to their impending fate, like puppets manipulated by an invisible hand.

In a corrupt and decadent regime, between electoral cheating, extramarital affairs and political intrigues, the portrait that emerges is that of a despot devoid of any ethics, ready to sacrifice his people to satisfy his own desires.

Yoann - The Media in 4-4-2