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Licensed nurse makes number of vaccination deaths public

Digital DawnLicensed nurse makes number of vaccination deaths public

Digital Dawn - March 09, 2024

A licensed nurse makes public the number of deaths due to mass Covid vaccination.


After being fired for refusing to comply with the vaccination obligation imposed by her hospital, a Californian nurse spoke out publicly to denounce a vast operation to cover up deaths linked to anti-covid mRNA injections.

Gail Macrae, a California intensive care unit nurse, spoke out to sound the alarm that the public is being misled about the shots and the true number of patients who have been vaccinated against the Covid.

Macrae accuses the hospital where she worked of violating medical ethics.

She says this violation, which she believes is happening across the country and beyond, has resulted in increased harm to patients.

Macrae worked at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Santa Rosa from 2015 to 2021.

However, she was fired for failing to comply with the staff vaccination mandate.

Following the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine, Macrae saw a significant increase in hospitalizations and deaths.

She says patients suffered side effects she had never seen before.

During this time, proven and recommended treatments were banned and record-keeping systems were manipulated to conceal vaccine-related injuries and cases of serious infections.

She revealed that hospital officials ordered staff to cover up vaccination-related deaths, often by listing fully vaccinated patients who died on the "unvaccinated" list and listing the cause as "Covid." ".

Macrae revealed hospital staff had been threatened for reporting vaccine-related adverse reactions and deaths.

She also said medical professionals faced retaliation for opposing patient isolation protocols and denying families access and participation in their treatments.

According to Macrae, in the early months of the pandemic, hospitals were nearly empty as elective procedures were halted – a scene that contrasted with media claims that capacity was overwhelmed.

Even during the winter 2020-2021 surge of hospitalizations due to normal respiratory problems, she said “not once” were hospitals overwhelmed.

It’s an observation she’s corroborated with colleagues across the state.

However, she said hospital officials promoted the idea that facilities were overwhelmed with Covid patients.

“The public was lied to,” she said.

“It really opened my eyes to the fact that things were happening that shouldn't have happened.

Macrae reported the implementation of strict isolation protocols for patients who contracted COVID-19, which prohibited visits from patients' families and their advocates.

She argues that these restrictive policies facilitated unchecked media scaremongering, while removing a support system that could have served as a buffer against administrative coercion.

Although COVID-19 is “the most inflammatory disease humanity has ever known,” experienced hospital staff were prevented from administering steroids — “the best treatment for an inflammatory process,” Macrae said.

“The fact that the government, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and these three-letter organizations are telling practitioners that they cannot administer steroids (…) is absolutely criminal,” she added.

California wasn't the only state to ban steroids.

Conventional anti-inflammatories such as steroids have been banned under rigid protocols in hospitals across the United States.

Furthermore, remdesivir, already deemed ineffective as a treatment against Ebola, was administered under strict protocols.

However, the data indicates it “does more harm than good,” Macrae said.

She added that antivirals, in general, do not work "more than two days after the onset of symptoms."

Macrae suggested that profit motives were to blame.

She revealed that “each of these doses cost over $3.”

With all of these new restrictive policies and protocols, Macrae said, “Every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.”

When COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in early 2021, Macrae reported an immediate and dramatic change in patient admissions.

She revealed that her hospital saw a staggering “300% increase in hospitalizations.”

Hospital staff were overwhelmed by the patients' unusual conditions, she said.

According to Macrae, “code blue” alerts – when someone stops breathing or their heart stops – that used to happen maybe once per shift, started happening up to ten times per shift.

“They would always call them to the lower level of the hospital, where we had a vaccination clinic,” she said.

Two nurses who directly administered vaccines — colleagues she met through a practitioner support group in her community — said they were seeing between 10 and 20 episodes of anaphylactic shock a day.

They told Macrae that they were threatened with dismissal if they spoke publicly about the situation.**[...]

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