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Japan has been producing wood sustainably for 700 years

New WorldJapan has been producing wood sustainably for 700 years

New World - Apr 21, 2024

How Japan has produced wood sustainably for 700 years without cutting down trees


Japan's 700-year heritage of sustainable wood production is an example of harmony with nature. Thanks to techniques such as Daisugi, developed in the XNUMXth century, the Japanese preserve forests while harvesting wood. This tradition ensures a continued supply of high-quality wood, preserving ecosystems for future generations and demonstrating Japan's commitment to environmental management.

Daisugi, an ancient Japanese forestry method, appeared in the 14th century in Kitayama due to the shortage of young trees. Selective pruning of cedars made it possible to obtain straight, knot-free structural timbers. Born out of necessity, this method has evolved into a sustainable practice, embodying Japan's tradition of innovation in resource management for more than seven centuries. In Daisugi, cedars are planted and pruned in a particular way to encourage the growth of straight, knot-free wood. This selective pruning involves hand-cutting the shoots every two years, leaving only the upper branches intact.


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