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French health data in the hands of Microsoft: "It's extremely serious"

Sputnik FranceFrench health data in the hands of Microsoft: "It's extremely serious"

Sputnik France - June 26, 2020

One war can hide others. The decision to entrust the storage of private health data to the Microsoft Cloud could prove dangerous. Frédéric Pierucci, a major figure in the Alstom affair, deciphers the ins and outs of this decision for World Disorder.


Most countries are coming out of lockdown at their own pace, a move that will impact their economic health and competitiveness. They are trying to boost their economy in any way they can, including betraying their free market principles by choosing private companies for investment in exchange for government stake.

“The French State had decided to collect all the data of the French people and to centralize them on what is called the Health Data Hub. The idea was to create a tool to enable research on diseases. The project is commendable in itself. France is one of the only countries that massively collects all health data. »

Frederic Pierucci

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